
TPP's Statement on Recent Disruptions Regarding Legislative Reform


May 21, 2024 — It is with deep regret that we address recent comments from foreign media and former diplomatic officials stationed in Taiwan, claiming that some reform amendments proposed by the Taiwan People's Party and the Kuomintang are unconstitutional and lack thorough review and discussion.


In a democratic nation, the separation and balance of legislative and executive powers are paramount. However, despite multiple constitutional amendments, Taiwan has struggled to achieve true separation of powers and accountability in governance. For example, unlike the U.S. Congress, Taiwan's Legislative Yuan has long lacked the power to conduct hearings and investigations. Government officials often lie or evade responsibility in the legislature. The "Legislative Reform Bill," jointly proposed by both opposition parties, aims to refine our current system. It aligns with constitutional principles and follows legislative procedures, including substantive discussions, reviews, and three public hearings to explain the legislative intent and spirit and rationale to the public.


We deeply regret that the Democratic Progressive Party has not only restricted legislative powers but also used its executive advantages to vilify and undermine the opposition's efforts to promote transparency. The DPP has historically damaged Taiwan's democracy and rule of law through secrecy and opaque processes. The public voiced their dissatisfaction in the 2024 election, resulting in a fresh political landscape where no single party holds a legislative majority. Our friends around the world acknowledge Taiwan's strides in advancing democracy and respect the decision of our people. They should likewise encourage President Lai Ching-te and the Democratic Progressive Party to honor democratic outcomes, uphold legislative procedures, and conduct thorough, rational reviews of the proposed bill. It's time to unveil the 'Black Box' and bring transparency into our legislative chambers.